

Created by Konitama

An action-adventure farm-life survival game for PC and console, launching the 22nd of June! Regrow not just your farm - but the world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys have been sent! BackerKit pre-order store open! New development update going over procedural terrain!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 12:48:56 PM

Hello again! The initial survey smoke test sent out to 5% of backers has concluded. The majority of surveys have been completed and we've adjusted a couple of the questions in the survey that were causing some issues and confusion.

Surveys have been e-mailed to EVERYONE!

Make sure to check your e-mail (including your spam folder) for an e-mail from Backerkit which contains a link to your survey! In this survey you will need to answer a few questions depending on your reward tier. One thing we noticed during the smoke test was that people were incorrectly answering the Discord username question. Please be sure your username includes the "#" sign and the 4 digit number following  it! An incomplete username cannot be given a discord role or access to the private discord chat!

Visit the Backerkit store!

The Backerkit store has also been opened! You can now pre-order any of the available items including digital and physical goods! If you missed out on the Kickstarter campaign, now is your chance to help support the development and get some goodies! Just a note, the Kickstarter reward packages are no longer available (including early access to the game) so only things available as add-ons originally are available to pre-order! Sorry to anyone who wanted to purchase designer tiers or collector's editions, but unfortunately the logistics made this impossible. As a note, the physical rewards available on Backerkit may or may not be available in the future, so if you were thinking about buying any of those, you should probably do so soon!

Discord Information

If you backed a reward tier that offers any sort of Discord reward, whether it's a special role or private chat access, please make sure you go to the Cloudscape discord and join it! I won't be able to assign your roles/access unless you're a part of the server, so stop by and join up!

I will be assigning roles and providing private chat access over the following week as I get through all of the completed surveys!

New Dev Log is LIVE!

In this development log I talk about what I've been working on over the past couple of weeks, which is to perform a major overhaul to the procedural terrain generation for cliffs and divots! I am happy to report that it was very successful and the end result is a much more interesting and improved version of terrain! I also briefly mention updates to the grass/wind shader as well, so give it a watch if you want to learn more!


To finish off, today I'm giving a shoutout to an awesome new project that's just launched, Hero.EXE!

Hero.EXE is a hybrid tactical RPG/card collecting battle game. In another world, The Grid was created in much the same way our own Internet was: with elbow grease and a dream. However, their world turned out very different from ours. Instead of websites, they built oceans. Instead of vlogs, they built cities-- and soon A.V.A.s came into being. A.V.A.s are all partnered with pilots in the real world. Shopping, socializing, and browsing the grid are some of the many everyday essentials done through A.V.A.s. However, one day upon logging in, you realize something’s not quite right on The Grid; soon enough, an A.V.A. you’ve never seen before materializes before you, and changes your destiny with just a handful of words:
“I need you to pilot me”.
Connect to the internet of another world, choose your A.V.A., and go on an adventure to change both of our worlds! Hero.EXE looks like a great game, so go check out their campaign!

That's it for this update! Thanks again for your support! Have a great rest of the week!

- Koni

Survey Smoke Test + Backerkit news and some development updates!
over 2 years ago – Sun, Sep 12, 2021 at 01:40:03 AM

Hey everyone! Just a quick update to announce that the smoke test for the Kickstarter/Backerkit surveys has just been sent out! This test will send surveys to 5% of random backers via e-mail so please take a moment to check your e-mail (and spam folders) to see if you've received this survey e-mail and fill it out as soon as you can! (These will come from Backerkit, not Kickstarter!)

It's totally fine if you don't see any e-mail, as 95% of people won't get this e-mail just yet. The smoke test is just to make sure the surveys get sent correctly and have all of the proper questions and answers and to make sure everything is in working order.  Once we complete the smoke test (1-2 weeks) and that goes smoothly, all of the remaining surveys will be e-mailed to everyone!

In development news, I have another dev log video in the works and it will focus mainly on updating the procedural generation for the world. Initially I was going to have the player island be created from a set of custom built islands but I figured this would get rather limiting... not to mention I wanted to have random islands that were fully procedurally generated, so I knew I was going to need to improve the way islands were generating at some point.

The updated cliffs and divots allow for much more flexibility with land shapes!

So the improvements mainly focus around the cliffs and divots (the raised and lowered portions of land) and how those generate.  A major improvement is now the player has the ability to walk around on top of cliffs and inside divots, which before was actually not even possible! There was an absolute ton of work to do to make sure things auto-tile correctly and I'll get more into that in the video. Look for that within a week!

Until next time!

- Koni

KS Development Log #1 - Multiplayer + Controller Support, and information about Surveys, BackerKit and Discord!
over 2 years ago – Thu, Aug 26, 2021 at 11:50:48 PM

Hey everyone! This is the first development update since the campaign was funded  a little over a month ago. Things have been pretty hectic as I've been dealing with waiting for the funding to arrive, transferring money around, and actually getting into some meaty development of the game.

I've spent the past few weeks laying the core foundation for some major aspects of the game such as multiplayer and controller support. I've held off posting an update until I got to a good spot with the multiplayer development and I'm happy to say that the spot has been reached! Since I already planned to do a video development log about this, I'm going to save myself from having to type out everything I've done up to today and just link the dev log here!

But if you don't have time to watch the video I'll just summarize:

I've since added the core mechanics for controller support and multiplayer. I've now got the game handling up to 4 players locally across a handful of different controller devices. There were some interesting logistics to work out with all of this, including having to modify over 50 different scripts, figuring out how I wanted to handle new players entering and leaving the game, how multiplayer UI would work, how multiplayer death would work, and of course adding in 4 different players introduced a host of interesting bugs in pretty much every system across the game.

But with all that said, I've worked out pretty much every bug and now the game is stable with 4 players! As an added bonus, while going through my code I managed to catch some stuff that was hindering performance, and I greatly improved the overall performance of the game as well. :)

Surveys, BackerKit, Discord

I wanted to get surveys out with this update but unfortunately I still have a bit of work left to do with setting up BackerKit and I also wanted to get the Spirit Maker improved for all of the backers who pledged the Deluxe Collector's tier and higher! I'm hoping to get the surveys out within a week of this update, and once those go out, there will be a link to the BackerKit and I will also be able to assign all of the discord roles! I will be doing a survey "smoke test" which means I will send out surveys to 5% of backers initially as a test to make sure everything goes smoothly. So you may receive your survey a bit sooner than others, or not, just depending on the test. But once the test is successful, all backers will receive their survey, so be on the look-out for that within a week or so!

I also want to mention that I'll be resuming closed Alpha testing of the game and this will be a public invite but the space is limited, so if you are interested in testing out the early Alpha version of the game, feel free to join the Discord. I will post an announcement there in the coming weeks asking for new tester applications! Just understand that this is a very crude version of the game which is going to have bugs and testing is only meant for people who are serious about play testing the game and finding bugs. You will run into game breaking issues, your save files will need to be restarted with each version release, and overall there isn't a ton of content in the game right now to just play for hours, so please understand this before you submit an application for testing!



Spindle is a modern old-school 2D action adventure where you are the new Death, and together with a pig as a companion, you are in search of the reason why nobody in this world can die anymore. Free the world from chaos before it's too late! 


  • Solve puzzle based Dungeons 
  • Help people finally die 
  • Put way too much time and effort into mini games 
  • Find hidden bosses 
  • Explore hot deserts, snowy lands and deep swamps 
  • Collect the shattered powers of Death to overcome your obstacles 
  • Supported languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Italian

Go check out Spindle! It only has a few days left on Kickstarter!

Thank you!

Thank you all again for your support. Cloudscape would not be in development right now if it wasn't for the success of this campaign! I've been enjoying working on the game over the past month and I can't wait to really dive into developing new stuff for the game! Now that the bulk of the multiplayer stuff is out of the way, I can get back to content and feature development! Look forward to another dev log video and update within a month from now! Thanks everyone!

- Koni

Quick update! Dev log and major update coming soon!
over 2 years ago – Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 03:41:07 PM

Hey everyone! Just wanted to do a very quick update to let everyone know that I have a video dev log that I'm working on right now which will be out within a few days! I will also have a much more extensive Kickstarter update here, including information about the upcoming survey and backerkit!

I also wanted to take a quick moment to direct your attention over to this amazing campaign that is ending in a few hours for The Garden Path! This game looks really beautiful and I love it's unique art style. It's hit the funding goal but could use a little extra! (couldn't we all)

Go check it out and back it if it looks interesting to you!

The Garden Path

Far from the pressure of the world, you find yourself a new wilderness. Your guide: a cryptic message and the hope of a simpler existence.

The Garden Path explores the quiet moments of a life well lived, where your garden will grow to reflect both the passing of time and your own desires. Time here runs in concert with the real world, and the passing of seasons heralds new encounters and a new story to weave.

Above all, The Garden Path is a life sim that celebrates the tranquil, the melancholic and the pensive, and a safe space to shape and grow as you like.

Thanks for reading and look for the big update in a few days!

- Koni

Miss the campaign? BackerKit is on the way! Plus unpaid backers remaining, and a shout out!
almost 3 years ago – Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 11:49:18 PM

Development Update

Thank you everyone for the nice comments over the past few days! I've had a nice rest over the weekend and I'm already at work planning out all of the remaining phases of development in greater detail (including all the stretch goals!)

In terms of development news, I've began working to implement better controls for Cloudscape using Rewired, which is a well known controller plug-in that allows players to choose from hundreds of different controllers/inputs to play the game! There will also be fully remappable controls so you can set up the control scheme however you prefer.

I'm also taking the first steps into implementing Multiplayer, as I need to go back into my old code and update things to work for more than one player at a time. This step is pretty labor intensive and is going to probably keep me busy for a while. I originally intended the game to only be single player so I didn't code anything around the player system being flexible for more than a single player.

Look at this huge list of supported controllers!

Missed the campaign? Want to add more to your pledge?

I've had quite a few people reach out to tell me they just missed the campaign and weren't able to pledge for a reward tier, and also some people wanting to add on to their pledge. Well good news! I will be launching a BackerKit page in a couple of weeks and will link it here at the top of the campaign page and also send out an update to let everyone know when it's live!

BackerKit essentially works like a pre-order store, where you can choose various tiers/add-ons and order them just like as if they were pledges. More information to come!

Unpaid pledges still remaining

The Cloudscape community has been really great with getting your pledges paid for and I'm really happy about that! There's only a very small fraction of pledges who haven't gone through yet. This is just a friendly reminder to double check that your pledge was successful and if not, you'll need to update your payment information in order for the pledge to go through! Over 100 unpaid pledges were resolved over the weekend so thank you for that! Less than 100 unpaid pledges remain!


Dwerve is a tower defense dungeon crawler RPG. It tells the story of a young dwarven tinkerer that adventures into dwarven ruins armed with turrets and traps, the only weapons that can protect the dwarves from Witch Queen Vandra the Wicked and her army of bloodthirsty trolls and monstrous creatures.

Check out Dwerve and Wishlist it on Steam:

Join the Half Human Games Discord to chat about Dwerve:


That's all for this update!

What type of controller do you prefer to use when playing a game like Cloudscape? Mouse/keyboard? Wireless gamepad? Let me know in the comments!
